Days Of Our Lives

DAYS Spoilers: Will Holly Come Clean About Her Crimes?

DAYS Spoilers: Will Holly Come Clean About Her Crimes?

Days of our Lives spoilers for Wednesday, March 27 suggest Holly may be feeling a wee bit of guilt…for a situation that is all her fault.

So Young, So Stupid

OK, Holly (Ashley Puzemis) was in a coma for a few months, so she couldn’t defend Tate (Jamie Martin Mann) on charges that he’d given her the drugs she overdosed with. But she’s been awake for weeks now. She knows that Tate went to prison because of her. She knows that EJ is determined to keep him there, and that Tate is so desperate he broke out just to beg Holly to tell the truth.

And yet, she hasn’t done it. Holly rationalized it by saying it was because of Nicole (Arianne Zucker). Holly’s mom is totes sad over the baby she lost, so if she found out that her other baby is a selfish liar, it would make her even sadder. Holly has to lie. For Nicole’s sake. So while Tate furiously writes in his journal about how awful the world is, Holly wonders how she can both save Tate…and herself.

Innocent Man

Another guy who went to prison for something he didn’t do is Xander (Paul Telfer). He thought once Harris (Steve Burton) woke up, Xander’s troubles would be over. But he’s not completely free yet. So Xander goes to Harris to reiterate that he didn’t shoot him. Since Harris has already fingered Stefan (Brandon Barash), we’re guessing he already knows that.

The Women’s Room

Eric (Greg Vaughan) goes to Marlena (Deidre Hall) for help understanding why Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) seems so hostile to Nicole. Sure, Eric doesn’t know that his wife stole his ex-wife’s baby. But does it ever cross his mind that maybe Sloan doesn’t appreciate Nicole intruding into “their” son’s christening? Just a thought.

Who Am I?

Meanwhile, Stephanie (Abigail Klein) and Everett (Blake Berris) are still trying to figure out who he really is. Even as most of the audience has forgotten that was even a question.

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