Days Of Our Lives

Kristen and Alex Put on a Show for Brady and Theresa — and John Only Sees One Path to Forgiveness

Kristen and Alex Put on a Show for Brady and Theresa — and John Only Sees One Path to Forgiveness

Shoulder to shoulder in the Square, Brady and Theresa gape while staring ahead

Credit: Peacock screenshot

In the Square, Kristen tells Alex they need to rethink their plan in the wake of Alex not proposing to Theresa. He reminds her Brady laughed in her face over the idea of reuniting with her. So, it’s not his fault. Maybe not, but Theresa moving out of his place and into Brady’s is. As they banter, Kristen says they need to up their game. Spotting Brady and Theresa across the Square, she gets an idea of how to do just that.


After Xander puts Victoria to bed at home, Sarah suggests they have Maggie watch her again so they can spend another night alone. Xander passes, so as not to find their daughter in Konstantin’s arms again. Sarah isn’t Konstantin’s biggest fan either, but he’s been really helpful to Maggie. Xander counters he’s taking advantage of her. Sarah has only seen that Konstantin makes her mother happy. Xander begrudgingly admits he’s seen that too.

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A contrite John faces Konstantin in the Kiriakis living room. Marlena and Maggie observe

At the Kiriakis mansion, Konstantin tells John he forgives him. It means a lot to John, but he can’t accept it. He will go to Greece and have the authorities do a full investigation into Catharina’s murder. That will be his path to forgiveness. Marlena suggests they take a day or two to think it through, but John knows this is the right thing to do. Steve won’t let him turn himself in for a murder he’s not sure he committed.

Kristen flirtatiously leans in close to Alex at a table in the Square.

As Brady and Theresa worry about Tate in the Square, Brady notices Alex and Theresa looking cozy at a table. They gape as Kristen deeply kisses Alex. When they interrupt them, Alex looks comfortable as Kristen purrs that they’re seeing each other now. Theresa stews as Brady insists he couldn’t care less. He wishes Alex luck and departs. Kristen gives Alex a peck on the lips before following Brady to talk about Rachel.

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In the Square, a horrified Theresa's mouth hangs open and her brow furrows.

Alone with Alex, Theresa lashes out about him moving on to Kristen after they just broke up. Alex explains after she refused his calls and texts, he decided to move on. Theresa reminds Alex of Kristen’s misdeeds, including stealing Theresa’s unborn child out of her body and impregnating herself. “Nobody’s perfect,” Alex deadpans, pointing out Theresa is no saint either. Theresa retorts that she regrets the things she’s done while Kristen has no conscience. Theresa is genuinely worried about him. Alex tells her to get over it because he’s excited to see where things go with Kristen.

Kristen catches up to Brady in front of the Pub. He tries to dismiss her, but she asks if he’s upset she’s seeing Alex. “Not in the slightest.” Kristen thinks he’ll be more interested, considering Alex is everything she could want in a long-term relationship — and a step-parent for Rachel. Brady reels. Is she bringing Alex around Rachel? Not yet, but they could meet any day now.

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At the Kiriakis mansion, John leans over, his face filled with anguish. Behind him, Steve Marlena and Maggie look on with concern.

At the mansion, John declares that all the evidence points at him for the murder. Steve counters no one saw him pull the trigger. Maggie pipes up. As much as she loved Victor, what he put John and Steve through was wrong. He was a different man then, as was John. She urges him not to throw his life away over a mistake that was beyond his control. John cries.

At the apartment, Xander remains firm in his distrust of Konstantin. Sarah urges him to have some empathy since they too know what it feels like to lose a daughter. Not only Mickey, but Victoria. Xander exclaims it was the Greek mafia who took Victoria because of Konstantin. Sarah reminds him it was Konstantin who “rescued” her. She tears up declaring she wouldn’t survive losing Victoria.

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Sitting on their couch, Xander gesticulates and scowls while making a point to sarah. A stuffed toy sits nearby and a Scotland Rampart Lion flag hangs in the background.

After Xander reassures Sarah, she recounts how he redeemed himself. Maybe he should give Konstantin a chance to do the same. Declining, Xander vows to prove that Konstantin is out for Maggie’s money — once he’s out from under the bogus murder charges. Sarah asks what’s happening with that. Xander is hoping Harris remembers who shot him and clears his name. What if he doesn’t? Xander will find out who framed him. He’ll do it for them and for Victoria.

In the Kiriakis living room, Konstantin declares that John is obviously no longer the man who killed his daughter. It’s time for Konstantin to let go of his hatred and need for revenge. Especially since he’s found a life that has so much more to offer. He lovingly looks at Maggie and puts an arm around her. Konstantin’s reckless behavior with Victor led to Catharina being taken from him, but he’s no longer that man — and neither is John. “Do not go back to Greece. Go home.” John agrees to try and move past it.

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Alex flashes a self-satisfied smile in the Square.

In the Square, Alex insinuates that he and Kristen slept together already. A clearly upset Theresa tells him not to come crawling back to her when Kristen blows up his life. She stalks off. A wide grin spreads over Alex’s face.

In front of the Pub, Brady growls that Rachel only needs him as a father figure since he is her father. He’s trying to get closer to Rachel, but Kristen is preventing that from happening. Admitting he may be right, Kristen suggests they set up a play date. Brady grumbles that they’ll set something up and departs. Alex calls Kristen, and they catch each other up on their plan starting to work.

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Kristen smirks at Brady in front of the Pub

At the mansion, Maggie apologizes to Konstantin on Victor’s behalf. She chokes up reconciling the man Victor was with the man she loved in his later years. However, she wonders why Konstantin presented himself as Victor’s dear friend when it’s clear they were bitter rivals. Konstantin says they grew older and wiser, and his enemy became his friend. He thanks God for that because it led him to her.

At home, a despondent John tells Marlena and Steve that the only thing that will give him peace of mind is to pay the price for what he did.

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