Days Of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives Is About to Unveil a Jaw-Dropping Twist to the Victor Saga… That May All Be One Big Hoax

Days of Our Lives Is About to Unveil a Jaw-Dropping Twist to the Victor Saga… That May All Be One Big Hoax

Days mashup, Alex, Justin, Xander, Theresa and Maggie

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI (4), Peacock screenshot

Well, this was unexpected. Of all the possible resurrections, secret children and family twists that could have caused Days of Our Lives’ Victor to destroy his will, Alex being his son was not one we saw coming! Maybe, though, we should have.

After all, he seemed like an odd choice to send over to Greece with Brady to get to the bottom of things. Alex is many things, but investigator and detective isn’t one of them. Plus, while it’s shocking, the twist fits, from Victor’s history with Angelica, to his wanting to pass Alex off as his son back before he was even born.

At Small Bar, a grinning Alex and Justin clink glasses.

Still, according to the latest issue of Soap Opera Digest, the truth that’s in Victor’s letters is that Alex is, indeed, Victor’s son, after all! Apparently, the Kiriakis patriarch discovered that he was still married to Vivian and drafted up a new will in which he left half his estate to his heretofore unknown son. A son which a woman urged Victor in one of his letters to never claim since he was being raised by another Kiriakis.

Justin and Alex are both left reeling over the news and Alex tries to process the whole thing, even as Justin insists he’ll always be his father. “Obviously it’s going to change the dynamic within the family and the power within the business,” Robert Scott Wilson tells Digest. “What eats at him is he doesn’t understand why Victor didn’t just tell him the truth. He’s questioning everything. It’s a scary place to be.”

And maybe he should be questioning everything. It’s a bit too convenient, after all — especially since Theresa had her hands on the letters first. Because fans have not been clamoring for Alex to become Victor’s son and Justin’s cousin. But they have been wanting it to happen with Xander.

Think about it. Theresa hates Xander. While most folks (other than Sarah) have pretty much forgiven him for his past, she seems to have seethed in her loathing of him. Their confrontation back when she first came to town pulled them both down to their worst, nastiest selves.

Standing in front of Theresa, Eric gravely grabs Xander's wrist. with closed eyes, Xander scowls.

She wouldn’t want him to have a dime of Victor’s money, nor ever know who his real father was. Just tossing the letter might rouse suspicions if folks knew she was in possession of the brief case first. But if she doctored its contents before handing it over, she might be able to turn this whole ordeal to her advantage…

Alex, on the other hand, would be so much more beneficial — to her! If she can’t have love with Brady, why not money with Alex? Make him the heir and switch her sights from Brady to his cousin. After all, the names are similar enough (meaning they’re identical) that it wouldn’t take much doctoring to convince folks that Alex instead of Xander is the secret son that Victor rewrote his will for. And he, too, was being raised by another Kiriakis: Titus.

Alex makes a certain amount of sense if we look at Days of Our Lives history. But Theresa switching things up to destroy someone she hates and benefit herself makes even more sense when we look at her history. In the end, getting to the bottom of Victor’s will mystery was just too easy. It seems all but certain this tale is far from over.

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