General Hospital

General Hospital Set Jason Up to *Finally* Reveal Everything — Plus, Crazy Chem Tests and Naive Characters

General Hospital Set Jason Up to *Finally* Reveal Everything — Plus, Crazy Chem Tests and Naive Characters

Answers Jason answers! GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

General Hospital seemed a little light on plot this week but heavy on dialogue with an emphasis on the characters. There was major relationship drama, a rethinking of friendships and loves, and of course, Lucy acting like a total ass!



What Was With All the Naivete?

Willow was an idiot to think she could swipe drugs from the hospital and they wouldn’t show up missing in the system. Her freakout over Liz being the one who would have taken the fall, and her concern that Cates might come and question her and Michael, had me wondering when Willow would break. Michael said point blank he’d do whatever it takes to help Jason, and he needed her to do the same. Not exactly the life Willow probably imagined having, breaking the law and stealing to help her husband’s friend and uncle out. I was set to blast both of them, but fortunately, Michael came around on Friday, realizing Jason had to go, as he had to think about Willow and his family and the trouble they could face for helping Jason if caught. I really wish, though, that Willow had really yelled at him to knock that sense into him.



Joss was also an idiot for thinking Dex wouldn’t eventually have to kill for Sonny, and really, girl, you don’t think Jason ever did? You actually had to ask your mom if Sonny had Jason kill people before? For someone who constantly rants about Sonny being a criminal and a thug, this whole “aha” moment of hers felt more like a “What the hell?” moment to me and others. She can’t be that blind and dumb!

Dex and Joss break up GH

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Then there was Dex, going to confess everything he’d done for Sonny to Anna, including Sonny shipping arms for Pikeman. Dude, how did you think this would turn out? Anna’s hands were tied without proof, but if any of this gets back to Sonny, Dex is going to be on the receiving end of a bullet from Jason on Sonny’s orders! It did feel as though this is leading to Anna taking Dex up on his offer to help bring Sonny down, but how? Maybe she’ll ask him to consider joining the PCPD?

Jason’s Next Move?

Clearly, the Quartermaine boathouse doesn’t get much use, given that no one has found Jason there. We’ve still received no more information on what is really going on with Jason and what he’s been up to. If John set him on this task, then why is he trying to find him? Does he want to help Jason escape? Has Jason been a government plant to try and find out who the real person in charge is and wants Sonny gone? So many questions, and we need more answers! Fortunately, the latest batch of General Hospital spoilers and the preview for next week indicate we won’t be waiting much longer, and upcoming episodes should be pretty revealing and explosive!

Diane Jason GH

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Friday’s big cliffhanger was Jason turning himself in to the cops and then telling Diane he wouldn’t be behind bars very long. It sounds like he’s counting on Cates to get him out? Also, he knows he can’t run because of what Cates is holding over him, which I still believe is evidence against Carly and that’s why Jason is doing all of this.

Chemistry Testing?

There seemed to be a lot of chemistry testing going on this week. We went from Drew and Jordan’s awkward gym scene last week, to an even more awkward one with Drew and Nina. Drew let Nina know that while he still hates her guts, he broke up with Carly and fired her, so he’s offering her her old job at Crimson back. Just… what? For weeks, all he’s done is rant about punishing Nina to the ends of the earth and beyond, now he’s just going to give her what she wants? This made zero sense to me, aside from Drew saying he doesn’t want his name attached to a failing magazine as he hates failure. Drew, my man, you are a failure! Honestly, it might be time to let Drew fade into the background.

Drew makes Nina an offer GH

Then there was Anna suddenly seeing the light about Sonny, which seemed odd as years ago when she was the commissioner she was always watching Sonny closely for a wrong move. It felt like the entire point of Anna not seeing Sonny through Robin’s eyes suddenly was to find a way to push her and John together. But how will she react when she learns of John’s connection to Jason? That’s going to really anger her and bring back shades of Valentin’s deception. Also, Cates is Robin’s friend and Robin’s age, so there is something weird about the two of them getting together, but I did think the way they were drinking, they’d wake up in bed together.

Anna drinks up GH

Finally, we had Sonny and Blaze’s mom Natalia having a heart-to-heart over their gay children, a conversation that went on way too long. Hopefully, all that was was a conversation and nothing more.

Valentin’s Advice

I’m not convinced Sonny and Nina are really over yet, but I also found Valentin’s advice to her sound. She’s bending over backward for someone who isn’t worth her time, called Sonny a hypocrite who writes people off when he has no use for them, and that she’s forgotten who she is in the midst of all this drama with Sonny, Carly, Michael and the others. Sadly, Valentin seemed to have shot down any hopes of a reunion with Nina by saying just like Sonny, he’s not worthy of her. Why not put Valentin and Nina back together? When they were good, they were great!

Heather’s Wacky Hip

The redemption of Heather continued this week, with her being treated for the cobalt poisoning and then having the toxic hip replacement removed. They at least made it a point to have Kevin say the hip wouldn’t absolve Heather of all her crimes, but they also haven’t really given us an idea as to how long this has been affecting her mental state. It sure seems though like Heather might be free pretty soon, but as I noted last week, will she still be as much fun without the crazy?

HEather and Laura chat GH

Nobody Loves Lucy

Just when you thought Lucy couldn’t be more obnoxious, she goes and gets Cody so fired up over her remarks about finding another face of Deception that he quit, and Sasha eventually followed him out the door. Frankly, Sasha as a model and the entire Deception story had gotten stale. This at least frees Sasha up for a new storyline pursuing a new career and hopefully will begin moving her more in Cody’s direction.

Lucy wants mystery and edge from Sasha GH

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Sasha having to give up her stake and shares in Deception, a company she helped build, seemed ridiculous to me. But again, this break will give her character new opportunities. Part of me wished Brook Lynn and Maxie followed Sasha and Cody out the door, leaving Lucy high and dry with Tracy. However, Maxie telling Lucy off and tossing her out of her office was the highlight of the week for me!

Tracy’s Shenanigans

Tracy’s been a lot less bitchy lately and a lot more fun. Her scenes with Brook Lynn have been more loving and caring, and her interaction with Cody and James was really funny. James calling her out for being mean to Cody who is worried about Dante, and then calling her a bad boss, was hysterical. Heck, she was even civil to Sonny while he was sitting with Dante. Gregory has for sure affected Tracy in a more positive way. Still, she has that nasty tongue and great one-liners! I laughed when she asked Lucy, while Lucy was telling Sasha to be more like Kate Moss, if she was asking Sasha to sell heroin chic! That was the line of the week!

Tracy is shocked GH

Alexis and Diane, Partners in Law

Diane’s conversation with Robert on Friday about working to get Alexis’ license back seemed to indicate there is a much bigger story at play here as to why the legal board was so quick to disbar her and not follow proper procedures. I’m glad to see Alexis may finally be getting a real story other than running that blasted paper and being Gregory’s BFF. The new writers are wasting no time righting some of the terrible decisions past teams made with some of these characters.

As always, these are only my thoughts and opinions. Agree or disagree, or just have something you want to comment on, do so below!

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