Days Of Our Lives

Konstantin Makes a Shocking Declaration as John Plans to Turn Himself In — Plus, Stefan Blackmails EJ

Konstantin Makes a Shocking Declaration as John Plans to Turn Himself In — Plus, Stefan Blackmails EJ

In the interrogation room, Stefan smugly looks at EJ who is offscreen. Their hands both grip a cell phone between them.

Credit: Peacock screenshot

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Nicole comes to see Sloan at her apartment to go over details for the christening reception. Sloan bristles when Nicole peeks in on a sleeping Jude, warning her not to wake him up. A glistening Eric bounds out with a towel wrapped around his waist. He apologizes, not knowing Nicole was there, and makes a quick retreat.

In front of plants on a windowsill, a shirtless and glistening Eric gapes. Grey peppers the hair on his muscular chest

At the townhouse, John tells Marlena that after he apologizes to Konstantin, he will turn himself in to the Greek authorities. Marlena protests, but John is determined to face the consequences of what he’s done. When he leaves, Marlena calls Steve for help.

In his room at the Kiriakis mansion, Konstantin looks at the photo of his daughter. He then pulls out the temple card and angrily stares off.


EJ warily enters the interrogation room. Stefan sits at the table with a chessboard.

When EJ comes to the police station, he finds Stefan setting up a chessboard in the interrogation room. EJ makes it clear he’s not offering Stefan a deal, but Stefan thinks he’ll rethink his position on that. He plays a recording on his phone of EJ detailing the transport out of Salem and the new identity he arranged for Stefan. Stefan threatens to play it for Harris unless EJ plays ball.

At Sloan’s, Nicole tries planning the celebration menu, but Sloan’s unreceptive. In fact, she’s not on board with her involvement at all. She’s tried to forgive her for kidnapping “my son,” but she doesn’t think she ever will. Nicole understands if Sloan never forgives her, but Holly looks at Eric as a dad and considers Jude her brother. Since they’ll be part of each other’s lives, they’ll have to figure out how to make their relationship work. Nicole earnestly states she loves her husband so much and is thrilled Eric is happy with Sloan and Jude.


A contrite John faces Konstantin in the Kiriakis living room. Marlena and Maggie observe

When John comes to the Kiriakis mansion, Maggie tells him she won’t hear more accusations about Konstantin. Before John can explain why he’s really there, Marlena and Steve show up. Konstantin joins them, prompting John to tell him how profoundly sorry he is. When Maggie asks what’s going on, John tells her he killed Konstantin’s daughter.

After calling Ava to tell her Stefan turned himself in, Harris meets her in the Square. He’s got a feeling that whatever is going on between EJ and Stefan could complicate their plans. Ava worries EJ will refuse the deal and report Harris. Harris had to take that chance. He can’t lose her after everything they’ve been through.


In the interrogation room, EJ realizes Harris thinks Stefan alone can take the fall for running drugs, saving Ava. EJ calls her a plague. “If she were drowning, I wouldn’t throw her a barbell.” Stefan points out EJ doesn’t want to help him either, but he doesn’t have a choice. If EJ drops the charges in exchange for Stefan’s testimony against Clyde, everyone’s happy. Everyone except for Xander, EJ retorts, who is being charged with a crime he didn’t commit. Stefan shrugs. The best EJ can do is offer a sentencing deal. Stefan can live with that, but he also wants the fortune he signed over to him. He proposes they play a game of chess for it. After some cajoling, a resistant EJ agrees to it.


Holding a bundle of blankets that's supposed to be Jude, Nicole grins at Sloan. Sloan offers a polite smile. Eric rolls up his shirtsleeve as he watches in the distance.


When a fussy Jude wakes up in the apartment, Nicole asks to hold him. Sloan reluctantly hands him over. A fully dressed Eric joins them as Nicole sings to Jude, soothing him. When the conversation gets around to Holly and Tate, Nicole stands firm that her daughter would never lie, especially since she cares so much about the boy. However, she and EJ fear it’s a toxic relationship. Eric pushes back, but Nicole is Holly’s mother. Plus, she knows a thing or two about relationships and if they aren’t meant to be.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Maggie processes the story of Catharina’s death. She points out no one saw John do it, so maybe it’s not true. Konstantin snarls that he has no doubt. John’s heart breaks for Konstantin. He can’t imagine the pain he’s suffered. Konstantin agrees. His Catharina was a light in this world. Marlena knows that loss was devastating, but assures Konstantin that the man her husband is now is also a light. John doesn’t even know who that man is. All he knows is he is going to Greece tonight to turn himself in.

At the apartment, Eric tells Nicole that Brady is Jude’s godfather, so he’ll understand if she doesn’t want to be there. Nicole promises they’ll work it out. She wouldn’t miss the christening for anything. While she’s not religious, she wishes she and EJ were able to baptize their son before he died. Sloan’s eyes guilty drift. Eric assures Nicole her little boy is with God. Nicole believes that too.

In the Square, Ava says she was worried about Harris finding out about Stefan. Harris declares they’ve both done things they aren’t proud of. However, he does worry about something unforeseen blowing the deal. Ava isn’t worried about Stefan screwing her over, but EJ’s another story. Ava knows Harris has tried his best and appreciates everything he’s done for her. Harris isn’t giving up yet. He embraces her before heading back to the station. As she watches him leave, her brow furrows, and she follows in his direction.


Stefan studies a chess board in the interrogation room

After Stefan beats EJ in chess, EJ declares the details of who gets what will wait until Stefan’s out of lock up and provides them with evidence against Clyde. Then, the judge will agree to time served. It’s the best he can do. Stefan hands him his phone so it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands when he’s arrested. They shake on their deal.

EJ leads Stefan out to the squad room. EJ leaves Harris to arrest Stefan as Ava enters.

After Nicole’s left, Sloan assures Eric she’s good with Nicole now. However, her face crumples as they hug. She composes herself as Eric says coming home to her and their son makes him happier than he ever thought possible.

At the mansion, John says he knows that Konstantin will never forgive him. Konstantin declares he’s wrong. “I do forgive you, John.”

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