General Hospital

The Gloves Are Coming Off: General Hospital’s Nina Is Ready for a Knock-Down, Drag-Out Fight She Can’t Lose

The Gloves Are Coming Off: General Hospital’s Nina Is Ready for a Knock-Down, Drag-Out Fight She Can’t Lose

Credit: ABC (4)

General Hospital has made a point of having Nina say that it ain’t over between her and Sonny till she says it’s over. But let’s be real: It’s over. And even if you’re a “Sona” fan, you’ve gotta see that as a good thing. Why? Because what it sets up is so deliciously wicked, we’re gonna need a spoon to lap it all up!

Imagine Nina waking up tomorrow and being like, “How long am I gonna walk around begging and pleading for forgiveness — from a dude who runs an entire criminal empire? [Bleep] that, let’s have some fun.” With that, she decides to unleash her inner bitch — and no, Carly, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Suddenly, Port Charles would have on its hands a pot-stirrer whose favorite pastime is pushing buttons, flinging zingers, pissing people off. Basically, a throwback to the wonderfully vicious villainess that Tracy Quartermaine originally was.

GENERAL HOSPITAL - Episode “15414” - "General Hospital" airs Monday - Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (Disney/Christine Bartolucci)CYNTHIA WATROS, MAURICE BENARD

“Sweetie, no, I don’t need a rerun of your betrayal speech.”

As Willow notices that Mommie Dearest is showing her true colors, Nina could shrug that she needn’t concern herself. “You never wanted to get close to me before,” Nina hisses. “Now, honey, you can take my word for it. You don’t wanna be near me!”

For a time, Valentin has fun making trouble with Nina. It even appears that they are rediscovering their romantic chemistry. But more unsettling behavior on Charlotte’s part sets his priorities back in order. He has to set a better example for her. Would Nina like to do that, too… with him?

There ya go. One twist, and we get an arc that takes Nina from mega-bitch to sweetheart and reunites her with Valentin… just in time for Sonny to remember that he does sometimes forgive betrayals. (Right, Brenda? Carly?)

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