The Bold And The Beautiful

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Steffy’s Feud Goes Full Nuclear — and One of ’Em Pulls a Stephanie!

Bold & Beautiful Preview: Hope and Steffy’s Feud Goes Full Nuclear — and One of ’Em Pulls a Stephanie!

Credit: CBS screenshot

There’s never a dull moment in Steffy’s Bold & Beautiful life! The brunette bombshell went from stabbing the notorious Sheila to death, to reigniting her feud with Hope inside the space of a week… and there’s no relief in sight as things are about to go from bad to nuclear between the warring former rivals!


In a pivot sharper than the knife that ended Sheila, Steffy went from consoling her husband at home over the death of his “birth mother” at her hand to business as usual at the office. Finn, meanwhile, was thrown into a bizarre situation when Poppy came a knockin’ at his door asking him to act as a fatherly support to Luna. Like, did she even know he was grieving? The swerves here were truly jarring. But that’s another story.

Getting back to Steffy, her first order of business at Forrester Creations (OK, maybe her second) was to meddle in her brother’s love life, after she learned Thomas had proposed to Hope again and she turned him down… again.

Perhaps channeling some of the inner anger she felt at the Sheila situation and her husband’s reaction to it, Steffy unleashed on Hope, accusing her of “using and abusing” Thomas, “playing games” with his emotions, and the like. She informed a stunned Hope that she’d advised her big bro to break it off with her, and worse, that she intended to follow through and make sure it happened.
Steffy Hope

Since Hope actually loves Thomas at this point, these were fightin’ words. Hope clapped back by informing her nemesis that she had no idea what she was talking about and repeatedly insisted that she loved her brother. Hope appealed to Steffy woman-to-woman as she tried to make her understand that she wants to be with Thomas, but just isn’t ready to get married again so soon after her painful split from Liam.

Steffy wasn’t buying any of it, and was certain that Hope was just looking to keep on using her buff brother as a sex toy and handy-dandy designer for her fashion line. The intense confrontatation ended with Steffy doubling down: “If Thomas hasn’t decided to end things with you, I’m going to make sure he does. You are done using and abusing my brother, do you hear me? Those days are over. It’s over, Hope!”

“But,” as a narrator might say, “It wasn’t over. It was far from over.”

How do we know? Well, we’ve seen a preview for next week that begins with Hope running to Brooke and Ridge to complain that Steffy is trying to drive a wedge between her and Thomas. We’d says that’s actually understating it. Steffy intends to fully put an end to their relationship, by all appearances.

What happens next, however, harkens back to the old days of Forrester matriarch Stephanie’s preferred method of dealing with her foes — a good old fashioned slap!

Given that Steffy is her grandmother’s namesake, you might think it’s she who raises a hand to Hope, but in fact it’s the other way around. Yep. In the clip, Steffy elaborates on her previous “full Logan” insult by telling Hope she’s hurting her brother the same way that her mother Brooke hurt her father and grandfather. It seems Hope really dislikes being compared to her mom ’cause that’s when she attempts to slap the words out of her step-sister’s mouth!

We’ll let you watch the clip to find out what happens next. Just hit the arrow to play, and then jump ahead to the 19:00 mark to watch the preview!

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