The Bold And The Beautiful

Hope Claps Back at Steffy — and Thomas Wonders If His Sister Has Been Right All Along

Hope Claps Back at Steffy — and Thomas Wonders If His Sister Has Been Right All Along

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In Forrester’s main office, Hope tells Steffy she had no right to tell Thomas to end things with her. She never meant to hurt him, she’s just not ready for another marriage. Steffy scoffs, “So, you’re just toying with his emotions?” Hope is just being honest with him. Steffy thinks she loves the attention and the devotion. Hope argues she’s respecting Thomas by being honest with him. She’d think Steffy would appreciate the level of self-awareness to know that she’s not yet ready for that level of commitment. Steffy thinks Hope is using him. “You don’t love Thomas. You never have.”

In the design office, Thomas asks Brooke, “Am I a fool?” He wants to know how Hope really feels about him. Just then, Ridge comes in and asks, “What’s going on?” He turns to Thomas and asks if he’s alright. Brooke says Thomas wants to know what her daughter feels for him. Thomas clarifies that he wants to know if they have a future together. He tells his dad that he proposed to Hope again. Thomas loves her, and knows she loves him — she finally said so. But she turned him down… again.

At Il Giardino, Carter and Liam agree that it feels good to be there and not have to worry about Sheila. Liam says he can worry about Thomas instead. Carter realizes he’s really concerned that if Hope can’t commit to Thomas he’ll lose it again. Liam can admit that he’s seen some apparent change in Thomas, but this is what he does. Carter argues, “I work with the guy every day. There is no doubt he’s a different guy than he was before.” He concedes that Liam has a point, however, about what might happen if Hope rejects him. Liam says they have very good reasons to worry.

In the main office, Steffy can see what Hope’s doing. Hope fumes, “You don’t know what I feel or what Thomas means to me.” Steffy knows she turned down his proposal and is playing with his emotions. She reminds her he was obsessed with her in the past and she doesn’t seem to care now. She calls her heartless. Steffy’s sure she got through to Thomas and that he’ll end their relationship once and for all.
Steffy Hope B&B

In the design office, Ridge tells Thomas he’s sorry; he can see how disappointed he is. Thomas nods. He’s disappointed and stunned. He thought they were on the same page. Brooke says Hope is upset too; she didn’t want to hurt him. Thomas still wants to know how she feels about him. He worries he’s been deluding himself, “Steffy sure seems to think so.” He reveals that his sister told him to move on with his life without Hope.

At Il Giardino, Liam tells Carter that if Hope rejects Thomas, it could get ugly. Carter concedes, “Given his past, I can’t say I disagree.” He understands why Steffy is concerned that he might be setting himself up for a fall. Talk turns to the ring around Hope’s neck. Liam’s pretty certain that Hope will never put it on her finger. He feels that Hope can’t marry Thomas, because that would be a disaster, and she also can’t turn him down, because that would be a disaster. “It risks setting him off.” More than that, it risks Steffy and her wrath. “Nobody wants to make an enemy out of Steffy.” Carter counsels that worrying doesn’t help. Liam’s convinced that Hope can’t ever accept Thomas’ proposal. Steffy is fiercely determined to keep her brother from backsliding and this is just the thing that could do that. Carter agrees that no one wants to be on Steffy’s bad side.

In the main office, Hope argues with Steffy that she and Thomas have been good for each other. Steffy thinks it’s been good for Hope. The relationship is one-sided. Hope tells her she’s wrong and Thomas doesn’t feel that way. Steffy thinks Hope should have put up boundaries as soon as Thomas expressed interest. She’s leading him on. Hope denies it. Steffy knows Thomas finally sees her for who she truly is, “You’re just going to take and take and take and when you’re finally done with him, you’ll walk away and leave him to pick up the pieces.” Hope argues that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about; Thomas is one of her best friends. “We make each other better people. You really don’t care about him at all, do you?” She tells Steffy that her brother is someone she can count on and who cares about her. Steffy smugly replies, “Not anymore.”

In the design office, Brooke asks Thomas if Hope is ready to commit, would he really want her to accept his proposal? She’s not sure what to tell him about her daughter. Ridge asks for a moment and Brooke leaves. Ridge hates to see his son confused like this. Thomas muses, “Maybe I’m not confused. Maybe Steffy’s right.”
Ridge Brooke Thomas B&B

In the main office, Steffy tells Hope that Thomas heard her. Hope will make sure he hears her too. Just because she didn’t accept his proposal, that doesn’t mean their relationship is over. Steffy complains that everything is on Hope’s terms. “Do you hear yourself right now?!” Hope says that’s not fair. Steffy argues, “What you’re doing to Thomas isn’t fair, it’s like it’s some kind of game.” Hope groans. “Do you really have to butt into everything?!” She reminds her she just got out of a marriage; walking down the aisle isn’t her top priority. Steffy snaps, “Neither is Thomas.” Hope informs Steffy that she loves her brother. They share a child together and that alone should be enough for her to back off. “How dare you,” she fumes. “How dare you interfere!”
Steffy Hope

At Il Giardino, Carter says he should head back to the office. Liam says, “Me too.” He thanks Carter for listening. “Speaking of, I know Ridge is your best friend.” He won’t tell him everything he said, will he? Carter’s not a gossip. He thinks Liam has reason to be concerned, as does Steffy. Liam hopes Steffy takes charge if Thomas goes off the rails. They discuss how commanding and beautiful Steffy is. Carter says, “She’s also very married.”

In the design office, Ridge tells Thomas that he and Brooke were just talking about how he and Hope could lead the company and family together. Thomas thought that’s what they were going to do, but she won’t accept his proposal. She won’t be his wife. Ridge shrugs, “Maybe she needs more time.” Thomas says Steffy told him Hope is just playing with his feelings. “Has Steffy been right all along?” Ridge says, “Come here,” and pulls Thomas into a hug.
Thomas ridge

In the main office, Hope asks why Steffy must insist on interfering. Steffy cites her brother’s mental health and well-being. Hope says he’s fine. Steffy snaps that she was just with him and he’s devastated! “I’m not going to sit back and watch you use him.” Hope says she clearly has no understanding of what they share. “I care about him.” Steffy says, “If you do, then leave him.” She accuses Hope of using him like some kind of disgusting sex toy. “He is completely devoted to you, Hope, and you’re not giving him anything in return.” Hope said no to marriage, not to Thomas. She, Thomas, and the kids are a family and nothing is going to change that. Steffy’s well aware, which makes the situation even more unforgivable. “God. It really happened. You have gone full Logan. You are exactly like Brooke; selfish, self-centered, you’re throwing yourself at a Forrester. You don’t care about tearing a family apart. You don’t care about hurting people. Well, I’m not going to let that happen anymore. If Thomas hasn’t decided to end things with you, I’m going to make sure he does. You are done using and abusing my brother, do you hear me? Those days are over. It’s over, Hope!”

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