General Hospital

Anna and Dex Have a *Very* Revealing Talk and John Tries Going Through Danny to Get to Jason

Anna and Dex Have a *Very* Revealing Talk and John Tries Going Through Danny to Get to Jason



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In today’s General Hospital, Carly gives Joss a hug and asks her what’s wrong as she comes into the kitchen. “It’s Dex,” Joss tearfully replies. “I just need my mom.” She then tells Carly that she and Dex broke up. She kind of wishes Dex lied and denied everything Nina said. She hates Nina for it, but at least she exposed a side of Dex Joss never knew existed. She still loves him so much — but he’s not the person she thought he was. She doesn’t even have the illusion to love him anymore.

Dex, she says, was going to kill Cyrus on Sonny’s orders. Carly tells her to take a breath and get some perspective. Josslyn’s horrified. “This wasn’t war. This wasn’t self-defense. Cyrus was an old man lying in a hospital room. That is premeditated murder.”

Carly says Dex was in an impossible situation working for Sonny, her and Michael. He didn’t have a choice. “The choices he had to make may have been deal breakers for you, but don’t be naïve about why he made them.” Carly tries telling her that what Dex shared with her was real, but Josslyn’s not having it. She thought he was cute and sweet — not a murderer.

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She doesn’t know what to believe. Then Joss stops and thinks. “Did Jason use to kill for Sonny?” Yeah, Carly admits. “He… did some things for Sonny.” But Josslyn wants her to admit that murdering for Sonny is wrong. Carly tells her to stop judging everything from the outside. “I love Jason too, but come on? All it takes is Sonny pointing to someone and that’s it?” Josslyn thinks the reason doesn’t matter to her mom. She’d stick to Carly no matter what.

Anna, meanwhile, answers the phone in her office and has Dex sent in to talk to her. “I’d like to confess to an attempted murder.” Of whom? Cyrus, he says, on Sonny’s orders. He starts at the beginning, talking about being hired by Michael to take Sonny down. “I’m assuming this is after the whole Nixon Falls Nina situation?” Anna noted. Dex then says Michael didn’t want his dad going to prison, so they brought Carly in and changed his mission to keeping Sonny out of trouble.

Anna wants to know if he ever got anything incriminating on his boss. Dex says he did. He was moving illegal arms for Pikeman. Anna sits back and stares at him. Dex fills her in on how Sonny figured putting Cyrus down would end the charges against him too. He almost did it, but Sonny stopped him at the last minute.

“If you swear to this, you will incriminate yourself as well as Sonny.” He’s prepared to face the music. But, Anna says, neither Cyrus nor Nina would be able to back him. It would be his word against Sonny and the most they could charge was conspiracy. Also, it would put Dex into the grave. She’s not willing to risk that and tells him “this conversation never happened. Justice may not have been served this time, but I really appreciate you coming in and trying.”

Dex stops and turns on the way out. “Commissioner, if you ever need help taking Sonny down, keep me in mind.”

Over at the pub, Sonny thanks Kristina for the coffee as he walks in and fills her in on Dante’s condition. “There’s no sign that he’s gonna wake up.” Kristina gets a chuckle out of Sonny by talking about taking the skis up to the roof one Christmas Eve and him sliding right off Carly’s roof and into a pine tree. They couldn’t stop laughing. Sonny thanks her for sharing that and she tells him, “When he wakes up, don’t tell him about the pine tree part.” They sadly echo each other, “When he wakes up.”

Sonny goes off feeling bad about himself and says he’s done a lot of bad things and he should be in that bed instead of Dante. “Listen, dad. I know that you are sad and are scared and those aren’t comfortable emotions for you.” But she’s not going to let him denigrate himself. He’s an amazing dad who’s always made her feel loved and grounded.

No matter what, she, Dante and Michael will always love him. Then Natalia shows up to ruin the lovefest. Sonny says he’s glad their daughters found each other. “Yes, well, that’s why I’m here. To ask for your help.”

She admits to being shocked by finding Blaze in bed with Kristina and learning they were dating. Natalia wasn’t ready for it. No matter what she said or did was wrong. “Well, now you know better,” Sonny says. “You can do better next time.” Except… she didn’t do better the next time. She’s struggling with this, but Sonny says their daughters are great for each other.

Natalia wants to know if having a daughter that’s gay was always easy for Sonny. He tells her that Kristina’s always been her own person. “We all want certain things for our kids, but we can’t make them be what we want them to be.” Natalia nods with a smile and tells Kristina she’s lucky to have him.

Over at the hospital, Liz and Willow watch sadly as Chase checks once more on Dante and talk about how much Sonny’s son means to people. John walks over and insists the PCPD all love Dante too, to which a confused Liz replies, “I’m sorry, who are you?” He introduces himself and says he has a few questions about Jason. Willow, who’s walked away, listens intently.

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“I have patients I need to check on,” Liz just barely avoids snapping. “What is it you need to know?” John wants to know where Jason is. Did she hear from him? Elizabeth curtly tells him no, and says that Dante is a good man in a coma. If Jason put him there, the law is important. But that’s a big if. John threatens her if she’s lying and Willow rushes off.

Aiden stops by to visit Liz and talks about how Jake is convinced Jason shot Dante — and he doesn’t want to talk to Elizabeth about it. She’s going to talk to him when she gets home. Chase shows up and asks to talk to Liz, but not before Aiden asks if he thinks Jake’s dad shot Dante.
Well… people are innocent until proven guilty, Chase tries saying, but that’s not good enough for Aiden. Yes, Chase finally admits, the evidence points to Jason, but he also called for help for Dante. So that’s good.

At the boathouse, Jason grabs his side and stands unsteadily, only for Danny to rush in and assure his dad he’s got him. Jason thanks him and Danny says his timing was great because he just got home from school. They then start talking about what Danny likes to — since he doesn’t have a phone. Skiing, dirt biking, mountain biking. He wants to take auto shop too. And he wants to play football, but his mom wouldn’t sign the waiver because she was worried about brain damage. “You… you had brain damage, right?” From a car accident, Jason says.

Willow shows up and tells him he needs to get home before someone realizes he’s not in his room. As soon as he’s gone, he asks, “What’s wrong?” She changes his bandage and tells him he needs to keep up with his fluids because he’s lost a lot of blood. “Please, please, don’t push yourself.” He’ll just set his recovery back if he doesn’t take it easy.

She then gives him an antibiotic to take and he asks if she’s OK. Willow tries shrugging him off. Michael would do anything for him and she’s fine with that, but involving Danny is wrong. John is out for blood to find him, and that hurt Danny.

“Willow, I never wanted anybody to find me.” He’s going to make sure everyone helping him is safe.

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Back home, meanwhile, John wanders into the house to ambush Danny with questions. Yuri let him in, nice guy. Danny insists he hasn’t heard anything from Jason, but John has a tough time believing that. “It’s not like I knew the guy before he was gone,” the kid responds. “I don’t know why he’s back, but I can tell you, it’s not because of me.”

Brook Lynn barges in and tells Danny to go, then calls Agent Cates a disgrace to his badge. Thank God, Yuri called her before he intimidated Danny without adult supervision. John tries defending himself but BLQ keeps laying into him and tells him to get the hell out before he gives her any more reasons to sue.

John apologizes and tells her to apologize to Danny and Yuri, then slinks out. Brook Lynn tells Danny to come out and he bounds out from where he was hiding with a big smile. “You were awesome! Thank you!” BLQ tells him to never talk to the cops without a lawyer, then she writes down the ELQ attorney’s number. “And do yourself a favor and practive the Quartermaine Code. Be polite, but do not freestyle with the cops, no matter how polite they seem!”

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In the show’s final moments, Willow says Jason will be fine in a day or two asks what’s next. He admits he’s not sure. Aiden, meanwhile, wants to know what his mom will tell Jake. The truth, she says. That Jason did this and it’s terrible and feeling sad is the right way to feel about it. But it’s not his fault for being Jason’s son.

Carly, meanwhile, says that she respects Josslyn’s decision. She’s not willing to compromise her morals. But, Joss tearfully admits, she didn’t think there was anything that would make her turn on Dex. Maybe she could have made it work? No. Carly tells her that outside of your kids, unconditional love doesn’t exist. She did what was right for herself. “You spared both of you a lot of misery.” But doing the right thing isn’t always easy. They hug.

And back at his room, John takes off his coat and sits just as Anna knocks on his door. “I owe you a drink, she says,” holding a bottle.

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