General Hospital

General Hospital Tightens the Noose Around Ava’s Neck: Is She About to Go Down for Connie’s Murder?

Credit: ABC screenshot (2)

Maybe you’ve noticed: The new regime at General Hospital is taking biiig swings these days. They are not afraid of setting in motion seismic shifts. In turn, this has left us very, very scared for Ava Jerome, the slickest femme fatale this side of a film noir.

We question the logic of having Sonny kick out Avery’s mom for having Alexis disbarred without ever playing the jackpot that Maurice Benard and Maura West as an on-screen couple would be. So much set-up with no sexy payoff!

GENERAL HOSPITAL - Episode “15434” - "General Hospital" airs Monday - Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (Disney/Christopher Willard)MAURA WEST, MAURICE BENARD

But furthermore, we’re concerned about the underlying antagonism that has been ratcheted up by Ava’s change of address. Sonny didn’t just toss some barware as he showed his roommate the door — come to think of it, no barware was harmed! — he lashed out with some cold, hard facts as she tried to defend her actions against Alexis.

“Who are you to judge?” he asked. “You killed Connie. Maybe I should sign an affidavit against you!”

Obviously, that’s hilarious, coming from a career criminal like Sonny who has more blood on his hands than he does skin. But for an Ava fan, it’s downright chilling. She did murder Sonny’s old flame. It wasn’t self-defense. It wasn’t an accident. There were no extenuating circumstances. The erstwhile Kate Howard had simply discovered Ava’s connection to Derek Wells brother Julian and, to keep the secret, Ava sent Olivia’s cousin to the grave with it.

Sonny further served up a reminder that Ava and her family were responsible for the death of his son, Morgan (the soon-to-return Bryan Craig). Finally, the antiheroine called the mobster on his hypocritical BS. “Take some responsibility, Sonny,” she hissed at the smooth operator who shot son Dante, stole A.J. Quartermaine’s son, turned Karen Wexler into a drug-addicted stripper and hung Dex from a meat hook.

Dex continued to be tortured GH

As far as Sonny’s million offspring are concerned, “there’s only one thing that all their troubles have in common,” she continued. “You.”

As comebacks go, it was a good one. But with Sonny set to sue for custody of Avery, we’re still shaking like a pitcher of martinis. After all these years, would General Hospital really send Ava to prison for Connie’s murder?

It couldn’t, right? Not if it intended to let Sonny keep strutting around Port Charles like he was a mild-mannered purveyor of high-end Sanka. Not if it planned to keep longtime hitman Jason in the spotlight as the patron saint of black T-shirts and stoicism. Not if it intended to allow Carly to keep running around like she was an innocent victim… of being busted for RICO violations.

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