Days Of Our Lives

Melinda’s Immunity Deal Sets Gabi Free — But Threatens EJ’s Happiness

Melinda regards EJ with a cocked head and stony expression

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

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In her hospital room, Chanel tells Johnny she loved having a little life growing inside her. A life that they made. Since she has to stay the night, Johnny offers to get her things from home. She tells him not to let her mother in if he sees her. He agrees and says he’ll stop by the Pub as well. Chanel’s not hungry. No more cravings, she sadly says.

Abe comforts Paulina in the hospital lobby as Johnny comes out. Abe offers his condolences. Paulina wants to sit with Chanel while Johnny’s gone, but Johnny says Chanel doesn’t want to see her. He asks her to respect his wife’s wishes.

Eric comes to The Spectator to tell Nicole he might be leaving Salem. He glances at Jude in his stroller, explaining he’s applied for jobs in other cities and hopes they’ll pan out. She asks if he’s leaving because it’s too painful to see Jude. Eric says it warms his heart to see him. What’s painful is leaving. He needs time away to accept that he’s not Jude’s father.

EJ calls Rafe from the DiMera mansion. He needs to find Melinda for Gabi to be freed. Rafe is confident his guys can track her down, but he knows Melinda won’t give up Clyde’s black book without an immunity deal. Frustrated, EJ orders Rafe to find her. He’ll take care of the rest. After hanging up, EJ knows Melinda is a loose cannon no matter what he does, but he has no choice so as not to lose Nicole.

Gabi (played by Cherie Jimenez) runs to Stefan’s arms in the prison’s visitors’ room. She’s relieved to be out of solitary, even if she’s still getting beaten up. But Gabi doesn’t want to talk about that since they only have an hour together. Stefan grins. They’ll have a lot more than that because today is the day she’ll go free. Gabi wants to believe him, but she’s afraid to hope. Stefan explains the plan with EJ, but Gabi points out he did everything in his power to put her there. Stefan assures her he’s on their side now. Gabi wonders why. Stefan flashes back to blackmailing EJ over Jude.

Gabi gives Stefan a skeptical look in the prison visitors' room

Melinda stomps into the interrogation room after cops find her getting takeout. Rafe demands the black book in exchange for immunity. Skeptical, Melinda asks why EJ would sign off on that.

In the DiMera mansion, EJ sends Stefan an update over text. A weary Johnny comes home and tells him Chanel lost the baby. EJ offers genuine sympathy, which sets Johnny off. He reminds his father he didn’t want them to have the baby in the first place. EJ tells his son he loves him and wants what he wants. When Johnny’s in pain, he’s in pain. They embrace.

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A tearstained Johnny embraces EJ

In the hospital lobby, Paulina tells Abe that Dr. Greene couldn’t confirm nor rule out that Chanel lost the baby because of the radiation exposure. Abe tells her not to blame herself, but Paulina knows Chanel blames her.

In her room, Chanel looks at a sonogram image of her baby. Abe enters and offers his condolences. As he gently tries to plead Paulina’s case, Chanel lashes out. She doesn’t want to talk about her mother. Abe wipes her tears and says they can just sit there.

When Nicole can’t soothe a fussy Jude at the paper, Eric sings the Itsy Bitsy Spider, which works. Impressed, Nicole is sure Jude misses him. Eric says he has her now, which makes him lucky. Nicole doesn’t want Eric to leave town, but understands. She’ll miss him. He reminds her he hasn’t received any offers yet, but he’ll let her know what happens.

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Gabi leans toward Stefan across the prison visitors' table. They both smirk as he looks at his phone

At the prison, Stefan lies to Gabi that EJ is helping them out of family loyalty. Gabi knows there’s more to the story. Stefan reads EJ’s text about Rafe being on the case. Stefan is confident it’s only a matter of time now. They look forward to finally being alone together and going to Phoenix to see Ari.

In the interrogation room, Rafe tells Melinda that Stefan persuaded EJ to sign off on the deal. Melinda remains skeptical, but agrees to hand over the book — but only after the deal is signed, sealed, and delivered.

Abe leaves Chanel’s room when Johnny returns. Chanel says Abe tried to defend Paulina because he’ll always be on her side. Johnny kisses her hand. “And I am always on yours.” Chanel tells him he can still make his flight to L.A. and make his dream happen. Johnny says she is his dream. More than his dream. She is his life. The only place he wants to be is there with her.

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Johnny leans his head on Chanel's shoulder as she lies in her hospital bed. With closed eyes, she leans her head to his and cradles his face

After EJ confers with Rafe on the phone, Nicole brings Jude home. EJ tells her about Johnny and Chanel’s baby. Nicole is sorry they won’t have the same happy ending they did. EJ knows they are very lucky to have their beautiful child. All is right with the world for their little family. When Nicole leaves to put Jude down, EJ looks off worriedly.

Rafe comes to the prison visitors’ room and happily tells Gabi she’s free to go. She embraces her brother before getting a passionate kiss from Stefan.

Eric encounters a solemn Paulina at the Pub and learns about Chanel’s baby. Later, Abe sits with Paulina, who steps away to fix her face. Eric approaches Abe and offers condolences. Abe knows Eric is suffering his own loss and recalls when he and Lexie had to give up Isaac. In time, he had to accept that Isaac wasn’t his child. In time.

Melinda comes to the mansion to snidely thank EJ for the immunity deal. Now, there’s nothing he can do when she tells Nicole that Eric is Jude’s father. EJ scowls, wondering why she’d do something like that. Spite, Melinda says. He took her job and blew up her life without a second thought. Now, she’s going to blow up his. Nicole enters, wondering what’s going on.

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