Days Of Our Lives

Days of our Lives Spoilers June 28: Paulina Needs the World To Mourn Her Loss

Days of our Lives spoilers for June 28 features Paulina, Johnny, and Chanel with the Soap Hub logo.Paulina is saddened by Chanel’s loss.

Days of our Lives spoilers for Friday, June 28, shove Chanel and Johnny into the background as the true victim of their miscarriage- – Paulina — takes center stage.

Sorrows, Sorrows, Prayers, Prayers

From the moment Chanel (Raven Bowens) revealed that she was pregnant, Paulina (Jackée Harry) has been up in arms about the damage she might have caused the baby by exposing Chanel to radiation poisoning. She wanted everyone to know how badly she felt. And she wanted everybody to assure her she was as pure as the driven snow — like the one she stole a plow to drive over in her mad rush to a missing Chanel. Everybody did.

Now it’s Abe’s (James Reynolds) turn to do the honors, as Paulina sobs over her — er, Chanel’s lost. But, also, you know, her’s.

Old Boss, New Boss

EJ got Paulina to fire Melinda (Tina Huang) and re-appoint him as Salem’s District Attorney. But Melinda still has some unfinished business with her successor. And EJ turns to Rafe (Galen Gering) to help him deal with this woman scorned.

EJ’s reason for re-assuming the position was thanks to some blackmail from little brother Stefan (Brandon Barash), who needs EJ to set Stefan’s jailbird wife, Gabi, free. Now that EJ is back in charge, Stefan figures she’s as good as home. And he tells Gabi as much. Is he counting his chickens before they hatch?lows

Eric (Greg Vaughan) really wanted a divorce from Sloan (Jessica Serfaty). He wanted one so badly that he would let EJ get it for him. Well, now he has it. And he is so happy. Naturally, Eric goes running to Nicole (Arianne Zucker — who discussed her exit) to tell her. After all, who else would be so eager to hear Eric is a free man again…then the woman he certainly doesn’t love anymore who doesn’t love him and who is oh, so happy with her husband and newfound son?

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