Days Of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives: Paul Telfer Talks About Why Xander’s Bad Boy Charm Is Crucial for DOOL

Days of Our Lives Spoilers -Xander
DOOL/ Xander is Victor’s true heir

Paul Telfer from Days of Our Lives proved Xander is definitely not someone you want to mess with! The actor reminded DOOL fans that Xander is a character who will do whatever it takes. Telfer shone a light on how Xander regained his bad-boy reputation by dealing with the villainous Konstantin. This move might have buried some of Xander’s secrets along with Konstantin! Let’s talk about the epic showdown between Xander and Konstantin.

Paul Telfer Reflects on DAYS Storyline

Several Days of Our Lives heroes were present during a tense scene between Konstantin (John Kapelos) and Theresa (Emily O’Brien). Konstantin took her hostage after his failed wedding to Maggie (Suzanne Rogers). But it was Xander who stepped up to save the day. He ended the threat by shooting the deceitful groom. Ironically, the character didn’t realize he was eliminating the very person who knew the truth about his parentage.

DOOL/ Xander ended the threat by shooting the deceitful groom, Konstantin.

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In addition, this shooting not only delayed the secret from coming out but also served as a chilling reminder. It sent out a clear message that Xander is not someone whom you can cross. During a chat with Soap Hub, Telfer shared his excitement about his character taking down Konstantin. He said, “It was wonderful,” Telfer tells Soap Hub of having his character be the one “to take him out.” After all, his character had been smelling a rat about Konstantin for a while.

So, it was valid to be the one to end it. Meanwhile, fans of the Peacock/NBC soap are head over heels for the romantic side of Xander. They are swayed by the way Xander charmed Sarah (Linsey Godfrey). However, he did have to tone down his rough edges to win her over. Paul explained, “I was concerned that he’d become too soft and cuddly.” The DOOL actor thought a less dangerous Xander might be less interesting to the audience. But recent events have shown otherwise.

Days of Our Lives spoilers - Sarah-Xander
DOOL/ Fans are head over heels for the romantic side of Xander.

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Furthermore, Telfer praised the writers for putting Xander in a good spot. What’s better than doing a bad thing (killing Konstantin) for a good reason (saving Theresa)? “To be unapologetically triumphant about it was really, really satisfying,” the actor says with a smile,” he said. Now, let’s talk about a big secret involving Xander that is yet to come out. Konstantin kicked the bucket before revealing that Xander is Victor’s (John Aniston) true son.

Subsequently, Telfer hinted that there are exciting times ahead! He says there’s a “very fun and busy period” on the horizon. Paul added, “I feel it is the best stuff I’ve [ever] done on the show. I’m excited for people to see it.” Also, he’s happy that viewers are getting behind this version of Xander and supporting him and Sarah as a couple. It’s almost beautiful.

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