The Young And The Restless

Young & Restless Fans Brace for More Job Changes Ahead Amid Anti-Climactic Offerings June 17 – 21

Credit: CBS screenshot

Young & Restless has had a dismal week. The current plots are falling flat and continue to revolve around the same two repetitive themes – business/employment and mental health. Whenever we seem to be finally hitting a dramatic stride, the story falters or fizzles out. On a positive note, we finished the week with a nostalgic look back at Nick and Sharon’s ups and downs as a couple, which was a nice break from the norm. But the previews for next week threw us right back into the doldrums. Thoughts:

Tucker Tantrum

In a last ditch effort to thwart Audra’s takeover attempt (and perhaps to remind her how much she cares about him), Tucker faked a heart attack. Audra, unfortunately for him, saw the ruse for exactly what it was and stopped in at his hotel suite to basically tell him to die harder. In the end, McCall simply rolled over and let her have Glissade. The whole thing could be a metaphor for Tucker’s most recent stint in Genoa City, which, we’ve learned, has come to an end. For a troublemaker and manipulator with such a legendary reputation, the guy proved to be all bark and no bite this time around, thanks to lackluster writing with no follow-through or payoffs. The misuse of a talent like Trevor St. John, who would have chemistry with a door post, could be considered a soap crime.
Trevor St. John, Gina Garcia-Sharp, Zuleyka Silver, Marc Forget



All About Ashley

We’ve been all about Ashley and her alters for months, but now that she’s finally getting to the nitty-gritty of what caused her mental health issues, she’s been moved offscreen entirely while other characters wring their hands over her trials and tribulations. I’d like to think that we’ll see her in the clinic having some sort of dramatic revelation. I’m at a loss as to the point of it all, otherwise, because it certainly wasn’t a romantic reunion with Tucker… that’s yet another payoff that we couldn’t take to the bank.

Business Blues

The notion of Lily double-crossing Billy is vaguely intriguing if for no other reason than he’s been acting like a blowhard who needs to be taken down a peg. But after years of humdrum business moves, there’s really not much impact to be had — all it’s going to amount to is yet another job change for someone. Who cares anymore?! Especially on the heels of yet another letdown when Lily and Daniel made peace instead of giving us a dramatic court battle. Not that we really cared about Princess Luisa either, but we’re grasping at straws these days for anything with some genuine conflict rooted in character history.
Christel Khalil

Victor’s Victims

As is typically the case, the people who will become collateral damage to Victor’s latest revenge scheme are already falling into place, including his own wife, who’s been left infuriated by his choice to replace her with Adam as she tries to stay on an even keel amid her recovery. Cole, Michael, Audra, and now Kyle, are all pawns in this particular chess game, which is geared to bringing down Jack Abbott. Who else might get entangled in the fallout? Virtually anyone in the Newman or Abbott families or their loved ones. While the rivalry is a tad tired, Vic’s vengeance is arguably the most entertaining prospect on offer right now. Where’s it all headed? Well, in the immediate future, fans are bracing for yet another job change as Kyle ups stakes at Jabot and moves to Glissade, unknowingly positioning himself to assist in the takedown of his own father.

More: Read Eric Braeden’s fiery defense of Y&R stars under attack

Claire-ical Error

I want to like Claire after all she went through, but this one-dimensional, wide-eyed, totally unrealistic podperson route they’ve gone with her is borderline unwatchable. Are we really supposed to believe that a slick thirty-something executive like Kyle Abbott would be attracted to this childlike nanny who’s dressed like a pioneer? After having dallied with a vixen like Audra and being married to a firestarter like Summer? It might have been believable if the writers had allowed Claire to retain some edge after her harrowing experiences and sent her back into the corporate world. Writing her as a business bad b*tch in the likeness of her mother might have made a pairing with Kyle more plausible. As it stands? A non-starter and chemistry-free. As for Katie taking issue with her new, older sister… meh. Katie will be beaten into submission before long, because everyone has to like Claire!

Nick’s Standalone

Nick’s standalone, in celebration of Joshua Morrow’s Y&R-versary, ended up being family-oriented and Young & Restless fans didn’t mind. It was not only nice to see Faith drop into the homestead (of course she’s not sticking around and Moses dumped her offscreen), but it’s always fun to travel back to the good ol’ days via fun flashbacks. Which is exactly what happened when Nick and Sharon looked back on the ups and downs of their romantic history.
Nick and Sharon welcome Faith back Y&R


The opinions expressed are my own. Please feel free to leave your thoughts on this week’s Young & Restless in the comments.

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