The Young And The Restless

Claire Gets a Chilly Reception From [Spoiler] – and Daniel and Lily Have a Change of Heart

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At Society, Abby tells Billy that she got a call from her mom in the middle of the night. She told her that she was entering a clinic in France to treat her D.I.D. Billy’s sorry she found out about it in this way. Abby can’t believe she’s been struggling and she wasn’t there for her. She needs to be there for her now and is leaving as soon as she can. What really irks her is that her family didn’t tell her about this. “And that includes you.”

Billy tells Abby they didn’t want to worry her until they knew what was going on with her mom. Abby feels there’s always a convenient excuse when the Abbotts or Newmans leave her out. She’s not a fragile child. Why didn’t occur to anyone that she wanted to be there for her mom. Billy insists Ashley didn’t want them to tell her; it wasn’t their call. Abby could have fought to get her help before it got this bad. Billy says Jack and Traci were in the thick of it and held onto the information. Abby thinks about her terrified her mom must have been. Billy urges her not to make this worse. Abby gasps, “My God!” She just realized that Tucker warned her that her mom was in trouble. She didn’t take him seriously. “Tucker knew what was going on with my mom before I did.”

Abby recalls that Tucker told her to check in on her mom, but she thought he was just butting in. Billy tells her he inserted himself into the situation at the Abbott house. That was the first time they heard that her mother referred to herself in the third person. They tried to help but she fought them. Abby realizes they blamed Tucker all along but he wasn’t at fault. Billy wouldn’t give him a free pass. Ashley still suffered because of Tucker. Abby muses that there were several times she felt like her mother wasn’t acting like herself. She recalls her being flirtatious with Alan, which was very out of character. Billy had run-ins with her as well, where she seemed off. He reveals they had an intervention. Abby squints, “And you didn’t include me?” Billy says it was impromptu. “I’m really sorry, Abby.” He suggests they focus on the good news that Ashley is getting help. Abby cries that what she’s going through is terrifying. She needs to make up for lost time, so she’s flying to Paris to be nearby when she’s ready to see her. Billy’s phone goes off. He has to go get Johnny and Katie. He misses them like crazy and hopes the reunion is drama-free. They’re meeting Claire for the first time. Abby and Billy hug and he leaves.

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At the tack house, Claire has flowers and stocked the pantry with Johnny and Katie’s favorite foods. She asked the cook at the main house. Victoria says she’s not their nanny and assures her, “It’s going to be OK.” Claire just wants them to feel welcome in their home with the strange new sister that’s a part of it. Victoria reminds her she’s had video calls with them, and the ranch has always been like a second home. Claire argues she’s been living in their space and monopolizing her time. Victoria promises they won’t see her as an intruder. “They’re going to adore you.” Claire tells her mother she got the kids gifts. Victoria clucks that she didn’t have to do that, but enthuses that she chose the perfect items. Claire goes off to wrap them. Just then, a knock comes at the door. Victoria opens it to Cole, who beams, “Hey there!”

Victoria invites Cole in and tells him the kids’ plane hasn’t landed yet. She tells him Claire’s upstairs wrapping gifts for them and seems nervous. Victoria admits she’s not sure how this will go. Cole notes it’s a pretty huge change. Victoria thinks it might be a little threatening to them that Claire’s been living there and she’s been giving her more attention than she’s been giving them. Cole knows Johnny and Katie were raised with unconditional love and will be reminded of that when they see their mother’s face. Victoria asks how he does that; calms her down. Cole just calls it like he sees it. “I believe in you.”

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Daniel greets Heather with a kiss at Crimson Lights and admits he’s on edge. Heather reminds him they are in the right. Daniel doesn’t see it as good vs. evil. It’s a suit he filed against Chancellor-Winters, a place that gave him a break when he needed one. Heather wonders if that’s what’s bothering him or facing Lily today. She explains that it’s not an attack against Lily, it’s going after what belongs to him. Being terminated for personal reasons negates his contract. Daniel worries they’ll have to defend their affair… he cheated on Lily. Heather believes in what he’s fighting for. Daniel trusts her, he just hates that it’s come to this. Heather says there’s no turning back now. Daniel muses, “Maybe there is.”

He reminds Heather that Lily says she’d consider a compromise. Heather says there’s been no indication of them offering a deal. Daniel tells her he doesn’t just have last-minute jitters. The game is tainted for him now. It has become a pawn in the battle with Lily because he hurt her. When he thinks of the game, that’s what he’ll think of. The game served its purpose, but now it also represents the pain he caused Lily. Heather asks what he wants to do. Daniel says, “Let it go.” He’ll create something new.

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At the Club, the lawyer tells Devon, Nate, and Lily that Daniel doesn’t stand a chance. Devon says that’s exactly what they want to hear. “Right, Lily?” Lily isn’t exactly celebrating. Devon hopes they can put it behind them and avoid public damage. He asks what they can do to make Lily feel better about it.

Lily dismisses the lawyer and then tells Nate and Devon she doesn’t think arbitration is the answer. Lily wants to offer Daniel a compromise and let him keep Princess Luisa. Devon asks why they’d give him a deal. Lily’s had a change of heart. Devon and Nate can’t understand this last-minute change. Lily’s had time to calm down and knows he was reacting emotionally when she fired Daniel. She appreciates them backing her up, but they were right… she’s going to be painted as vindictive in the press. She wants to put her energy where it’s needed most. “So, do you both agree?” Nate and Devon think it should be her decision, but her brother’s surprised she’s letting them off the hook. Lily thinks they can afford to do this. Losing Princess Luisa won’t be debilitating. She wants to solve this battle once and for all so they can move on.

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Devon asks Lily if this is what she really wants. She’s sure. They all agree to let it go. Lily thinks the platform they built is stronger than one game. Just then, she gets a text from Daniel asking to meet one-on-one. Devon doesn’t think she should meet him in person, and Nate suggests one of them come with her. Lily’s got this and will see them later. Devon tells Nate, “That is not how I thought today was going to go at all.” He senses something is going on with her. “I think it’s Billy.” He’s suspicious, but Billy went to Lily and tried to get her to join forces and push him into a secondary role. Nate asks if they have to worry about Lily turning on her own family. Devon doesn’t think she’d betray them, but the Billy situation is weighing on her. When she told him, they decided to dupe Billy and let him think they were a team long enough to convince him to split the companies. The plan stalled because of the Daniel lawsuit.

In the park, Daniel is a little surprised that Lily showed up to meet him. He tells her he’s calling off the lawsuit and Chancellor-Winters can keep Princess Luisa. Lily doesn’t know what to say. She was going to tell him he could keep the game. Daniel didn’t see this coming. Lily says, “Me either.” If neither of them wants the game, then what happens to Princess Luisa? Daniel can’t imagine it being finished and taken off the platform. Lily suggests they leave it as is and market it as a library game. Daniel likes that idea. Lily says Chancellor-Winters can open up a college trust fund for Lucy in exchange. “Do we have a deal?” They laugh. Daniel thinks it’s more than fair. Lily tells him she’s sorry. She let her emotions get the best of her. Daniel understands and is so sorry for everything that happened. They agree to move on. Daniel will let his lawyer know. Lily will tell hers too. They have a slightly happier ending than before. Daniel wishes her all the happiness and success in the world. “You deserve it.” Lily thanks him. Once alone, she sends a text.

In the tack house, Claire tells Victoria that the wait is killing her. Billy knocks and comes in with the kids, who are bickering about the baggage claim. Victoria hugs them and says, “Kids, I would like you to meet your sister, Claire.” Neither of them looks thrilled. Claire smiles hopefully. She tells them, “I’m really happy to meet you both.” Johnny tells her she’s taller than she is on video and asks what it’s like in a mental hospital. Claire wants to be honest with them, so she tells them the food stinks and staying in one room is hard. But the doctors were great and helped her deal with things that happened to her… like being taken from her parents as a child. Her crazy aunt wanted her to be her accomplice but she was just a kid and didn’t understand. She thought it was a game all kids played. In the hospital, the doctors helped her understand that her childhood wasn’t normal at all. Victoria notes she’s not responsible for her aunt’s actions.

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Claire says mom has been great and they have been too. She’s looking forward to spending time with normal people. Johnny quips that he’s not sure they’re normal, “Especially this one.” He gestures to Katie. Victoria asks Katie if she wants to say hello to Claire. Katie wants to go unpack. Victoria tells her she and Claire redecorated Aria’s old room for her. Katie snaps about getting a baby’s room and snarls that she can’t believe they have to live there now… their house burned down because of Claire’s crazy aunt. Victoria chastises her daughter, but Claire says she’s lost so much; she understands how she feels. Katie snaps, “You don’t know me! How could you understand?!” She runs upstairs and ignores Billy who calls after her. Victoria apologizes for Katie being so rude. Claire asks them not to punish her; this isn’t easy for any of them.

Billy is leaving the tack house when he gets a text from Lily asking if he’s free to meet. It’s important.

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Abby catches up with Devon at work and he asks about her mom. Abby just can’t get over this. When she talked her to her, she seemed confident and strong, but what if it was one of her alters. Devon urges her to stay positive. Abby says she has to go to Paris. Devon says, “Let’s do it. Let’s go together.” They embrace.

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Nate meets Audra at the Club and teases her about blowing off their dinner plans to go to Paris. He’s curious and a little scared to ask. “Do I want to know what went on in the City of Lights?” Audra says she finally beat Tucker. Nate muses that the student has become the master. Audra says she’s better than Tucker on his best day. “You’re looking at the new CEO of Glissade.” Nate asks how she pulled it off. She says she teamed with an anonymous investor. Nate asks who the investor with the deep pockets is. Audra’s not at liberty to say, but she’s ready to celebrate if he’d like to join her. He’d love to. Audra purrs, “Can you keep up?”

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Next on The Young and the Restless: Victor gives Devon a warning about Tucker, Billy schemes with Lily, and Claire struggles with her new normal.

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