Days Of Our Lives

EJ Agrees to Help Eric Get Revenge — and Johnny and Chanel Get Some Welcome Tidings from Someone New

Days' EJ and Eric are talking in the DiMera living room

Credit: Peacock screenshot

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In today’s Days of Our Lives, Eric walks into the Brady Pub, where Roman notes he’s not looking too great. Sloan’s vanished without a trace — Roman can’t believe she got the jump on EJ. Eric agrees it was shocking seeing EJ on the ground. Roman also can’t believe Sloan swiped the baby, but as Eric says, “Desperate people do desperate things.” Jude was his son, and he lost him.

Roman promises it’ll get better, then suggests Eric move back into the pub and start over. Eric agrees, then leaves to make a mysterious stop.

Days' Roman is standing behind the bar, talking to Eric, who's leaning on it

Over in the DiMera mansion, EJ’s gleefully reading from an article bashing Mayor Price to little Jude. “Paulina Price needs to step down as mayor,” he says, “or better yet be forcibly removed.” Chanel walks in looking unamused: “Is that a fact?” She’s not happy at how much of a kick he was getting out of going after Paulina.

He claims it’s on Chanel’s behalf and risking her and his grandchild, which gets Chanel snapping back that she never would have put her, her baby or herself in danger if she knew. She then points out, arms crossed, that Paulina fired EJ as DA — “Is this really about protecting your grandchild, or is this about you trying to get payback?”

He insists it’s not, and Chanel tells him that all the tests say the baby is fine. But when EJ alludes to the “options” if something is wrong, Chanel coldly tells him, “I am having the baby.” They talk about changing Jude’s name, and EJ insists that the baby is back where he belongs, “With Nicole and me, his real parents.”

Days' EJ and Chanel are standing in the DiMera living room talking, while EJ looks off to the side, puzzled

EJ’s talking to Jude about the truth about his paternity and how it would cost him Nicole. Eric walks in, only to be hushed by EJ, who tells him Nicole isn’t there. But Eric says he’s there because he needs a lawyer for a divorce with Sloan. Justin is dealing with the family matter and Belle and Shawn are working on their marriage. He wants someone like EJ who hates Sloan the way they both do.

EJ agrees to take him on and assures Eric there’s a way around needing Sloan to file for the divorce. They need to put a notice in the paper, make a good faith effort to find her and in a few weeks it’ll all be over. Eric thanks him — he wasn’t sure EJ would take it on. EJ responds with: “We all deserve a fresh start, don’t we?”

At Abe and Paulina’s, she wakes from a nightmare where the radiation turned her into a fifty foot tall woman and was rampaging through Salem. She has the same dream just about every night. Abe suggests she talk to Marlena. She didn’t mean to put Chanel, Johnny and the baby at risk and, he reminds her, their medical tests all turned out fine.

Jackee Harry, James Reynolds "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 11/14/23 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 14877 U.S.Airdate 6/12/24

Paulina still worries something could change, and on top of that, she and Chanel aren’t in a good place now. She’d never forgive herself if anything happened to Chanel or the baby.

Abe’s phone rings and it’s his friend on the city council, Rubin, to warn Abe that there’s a petition to recall Paulina as mayor. An organization called the CCS, Concerned Citizens of Salem, is spearheading this, though they aren’t sure who’s behind the group. Paulina’s ready to find out “right now.”

In the Horton Square, Leo’s making catty remarks about how The Spectator’s writing has gotten a lot sharper lately, when a shirtless man shows up asking for a favor: He needs water. Leo gives it to him, while ogling shamelessly, and before the man can run off, he asks for a date. The guy thanks Leo for saving him from heatstroke, “but I’m not gay.” Leo’s dumbfounded. He’s usually good at “sussing” this kind of thing out. The guy says he’s flattered, thanks him again and runs off.

Days' Leo is sitting in the Horton Square talking to a shirtless Mark, who is standing

Marlena’s checking in with John and his flight on the phone in her office, then looks down at the temple card. She doesn’t get far before Johnny knocks and comes in. He’s meeting Chanel at the hospital for an appointment, but he wanted to talk to his grandma about, “just my whole future.”

He’s been offered a job by a producer in Los Angeles, but to do it, he’d have to move now. Chanel doesn’t even know about it and he’s not sure he should tell her and go for it. He doesn’t want her to feel like she has to make a sacrifice, especially with the baby coming. “How do you think she’s going to feel if she finds out you turned down the job and never mentioned it?” It’s up to her to decide for herself, Marlena says, and Johnny agrees to talk to her.

As for Marlena, she thinks he should consider the job, but “selfishly,” she’d love to keep him in Salem. They talk a bit about Jude, Eric and EJ. Johnny feels awful for Eric and the family, but he’s happy for his dad and Nicole. Marlena says Jude is “exactly where he’s meant to be,” then Johnny runs off for his appointment with Chanel.

Shortly after, Leo bursts in, in desperate need of help. “My brain needs major fixing. And so does my heart.” She tries getting rid of him, but he talks her into a corner until she notes he won’t go until she helps him. Leo’s horrified that he hit on a straight man, and he’s going crazy — all because of Dimitri’s letter. “I really opened myself up to Dimitri. I thought he was the one.” But it was all a lie.

He lists off his qualities, says he’s got a lot going for him and Marlena agrees. “Then why am I so unlovable?” She prods him to talk about his parents and how bad his last visit to his mom was. “Diana Colville is a very disturbed woman,” Marlena tells him. She notes that his self-aggrandizing is a defense mechanism. He’s flabbergasted and tells her she’s amazing. She says he think’s he’s hilarious and Leo, flattered, thanks her. “I’m also tortured and miserable 75 percent of the time. Do you think there’s hope for me?”

Days' Chanel is in a hospital gown in a hospital exam room, holding Johnny's hand as the doctor, Mark enters the room

Chanel’s sitting in the exam room at the hospital, when Johnny enters, and tells him about her “interesting” chat with EJ. Johnny’s ticked when she mentions EJ talking about “options.” She talks him out of charging into a fight with his dad, then wonder where Kayla is. Before Johnny can tell Chanel about the new job, the new doc walks in — the same man who Leo hit on. He’s Dr. Greene “three e’s,” and when Chanel mentions Felicity, he tells her they’re siblings.

They wax on about how great she is, then get to the examination.

In the show’s last few moments, Eric returns to the pub with a bag, then takes off his wedding ring and puts it in his pocket. Roman asks if he’s feeling better. Eric still feels like he’s losing Jude all over again every time he sees the baby.

Marlena tells Leo that everybody can be helped. He asks if she’s willing to help him. “Heaven help me, I will.” He’s ecstatic, but she says if she helps him, he has to put in the work — otherwise she’s wasting her time. And she doesn’t like that. But they part agreeing to start actual sessions.

Days' Chanel is in a hospital gown in a hospital exam room, sitting with Johnny as the doctor, Mark, talks to them

Over at Abe and Paulina’s, the two are making calls to find out who the CCS is. Abe gets a message about the source of the petition and shows his wife. “I should’ve known…” Back at his home, EJ’s phone rings and gets the good news that the recall petition is going to the town council right now.

Dr. Greene assures Chanel and Johnny that everything looks good and the baby’s heartbeat sounded fine. They crack a few jokes about his name — Mark Greene, like the doc from ER — and he leaves. Which gives Johnny the chance to ask a surprised Chanel how she’d feel… about leaving Salem.

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