The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers: A Whole New Sibling Rivalry Is Brewing!

the bold and the beautiful spoilers - bill -luna

Bill Spencer is really making some sort of record for accumulating children he never knew he had, point The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers. It started with Liam, then Wyatt, and now Luna! Only one of his four kids (that we know of)- Will Spencer is the one he actually knew was his. With the piling number of Spencer siblings, we wonder if trouble is about to set in!

It has been quite a while since we saw Wyatt on the screen, recall The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers. While Will is away at a boarding school. Neither of them seem to know yet that they have a new sibling, a sister at that! We think this would actually be a perfect time for Dollar Bill to hold a lavish family reunion, so as to introduce Luna to her siblings!

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers- Liam wyatt
B&B/ Surprise surprise! Liam and Wyatt, you have a sister!

Although we do wonder what that reunion would look like! Liam and Wyatt get along pretty decent, point The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers. And with Will being so far away we haven’t really seen his rapport building with any of his siblings. So he would definitely be sort of a wildcard when he returns.

That’s one character that can go either way. Especially if the makers decide to SORASed him upon his return. You know, to bring him closer to Luna’s general age bracket. It could actually be pretty fun to watch if he takes a dislike to her, and vice-versa. Moreso, since Katie seems so dead against this whole Poppy-Luna business Bill is indulging in.

bb will luna The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers
B&B/ Will a SOARS-ed Will return home to pick a sibling rivalry with Luna?

For all we know she may still wager that Poppy has doctored the results and Luna is not Bill’s bio-daughter. This may even lead her to want to keep Will away from the madness. Although we doubt Bill would be okay with that. And all that anger and disdain right there could sow the seed for a feud between Will and Luna, that actually originates from their moms.

If that happens, who do you think Liam and Wyatt will side with? Will or Luna? Tell us in the comments.

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