General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Liz’s World Turns Upside Down, Catches Finn With ANOTHER Woman

General Hospital Spoilers - Liz -Finn

Finn has taken Gregory’s passing harder than anybody could’ve thought, point General Hospital Spoilers. At first, it looked like Finn turning to alcohol for support could be controlled. But we were fooled just like Chase! There is no stopping Finn from falling off the wagon now. That’s not all! The latest GH preview shows Liz walking into a horrifying sight!

Although the preview video cuts short of actually revealing what Liz sees as she walks into the apartment, we have it figured out! The latest General Hospital Spoilers reveal that actress Devon Ogden has been cast to play a character called Barb, and her limited stint has been filmed opposite Michael Easton, a.k.a. Finn!

General Hospital Comings and Goings
GH/ Does Liz find Finn on the couch with another woman?

So, put two and two together, and we have the whole story! Liz definitely walks into the apartment to catch Finn on the couch entwined with another woman. What will Liz do now? She has stood in his support through thick and thin, but can she handle being cheated on? Even if somehow Finn chalks it up to a drunken mistake or just acting out in grief?

It is hard to imagine that Liz will be okay with this, hint General Hospital Spoilers. For the longest time, rumors have been making rounds that Finn is on his way out. So, could this cheating be the reason Liz and Finn break up? The first push towards leaving Port Charles?

General Hospital spoilers
GH/ Is that FInn on the couch with another woman?

Would you be sad to see Finn and Liz break up? Or is there still a chance for Finn to redeem himself in Liz’s eyes? Maybe, he could go to rehab to get sober again? Tell us in the comments.

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