The Young And The Restless

Jordan Discovers Claire’s Been Released From the Hospital — and Michael Gives Victor a Warning

Jordan Discovers Claire’s Been Released From the Hospital — and Michael Gives Victor a Warning

Jordan Y&R

Credit: Howard Wise/

Devon arrives at Chancellor-Winters, where Billy tells him he has to go out of town with Chelsea to check up on Connor. He’s facing some new challenges and he’s going for moral support. Devon assures him it’s not a problem. “Don’t worry about anything here. I’m sure we can keep things going without you.” Billy can work from the road if anything comes up, but there’s one provision he would like to make while he’s away.


Abby greets Kyle and Mariah at Society and thanks them for coming in for breakfast. They chat about Tessa being zonked out at home after doing inventory. Abby thinks it was a brilliant idea to hire her. Kyle says they’ll miss her at Jabot. Abby has to go check in with Devon and walks off. Mariah tells Kyle she’s happy Tessa gets a chance to shine again whilst waiting for her voice to heal so she can go on the road again. Kyle asks how things are with Mariah. She’s great now that Aria is great. She’s picking up words and making sounds now. Kyle asks about her job. Mariah says working with Sharon is great and the company is strong. Kyle is happy for her. She asks, “OK, now you.” She’s sensing he’s not so well. Kyle admits part of him wishes he could steal his mom’s job right out from underneath her.
Kyle Abby Mariah Y&R

Mariah tells Kyle, “That was a bombshell.” Kyle doesn’t really want to steal his mom’s position, but things aren’t great right now. He recaps how he ended up in this position after acting out and taking a good look at himself. Kyle muses that he may have over-compensated for his bad behavior. He insisted that Diane take the role he wanted, but he knows in his heart he deserves it. They discuss working with your family, which has pros and cons. Mariah guesses working with his mother isn’t enough for him. Kyle admits it’s not, and the regret is driving him crazy.

At the dive bar, Jordan looks at a text on her phone she sent to Seth asking if he’s seen Nikki lately. She received no response. She sends another text saying she’s worried about her old friend.
Jordan Y&R

At Newman, Victoria tells Victor she won’t fight him anymore on his plan. She understands his logic, however she does have some conditions for her support. Victor promised he would keep Claire safe. Victoria has other conditions. Victor’s glad Nikki was able to convince her to see it his way. Victoria gawps, “What?!” She hasn’t spoken to her mother since yesterday, it was Claire who changed her mind. That doesn’t mean she’s happy about it. She complains about him putting her mother in a difficult position. Victor thinks she finds fault with everything he does. He’s only trying to keep the family safe. “What’s beneath all this?”

Victor wonders if Victoria is upset that he promoted her brothers when she walked away. Victoria only took a break because her daughter needed her. She’s not harboring private resentment regarding work. If she’s frustrated with him, it has nothing to do with the company. Victor figures there’s nothing else to argue about then. He goes over them having to present a united front.
Michael Victoria Y&R

Michael comes in and announces that the judge has ruled that Claire can be remanded to Victoria and Cole’s custody. Victoria gasps, “They’re letting her come home?!” She worries it will be too overwhelming and reminds her father he has to protect her. Michael muses, “So, you’re on board.” Victoria says she is, but not without misgivings. She will give Claire the news herself. Victoria reminds Victor he has to keep Claire safe and there can be no surprises. “I want her staying with me at my home.” Victor doesn’t want that. He wants them to stay at the ranch where he can provide security. “You’ll both be safe, I promise you.” Victoria agrees, but it’s only temporary until Jordan is back in custody.

At the dive bar, Jordan wonders where Seth is and why he hasn’t gotten back to her. She thinks of something and smiles.

At Chancellor-Winters, Billy asks Devon to keep Chance in the loop while he’s away. Devon asks why when he’s going to be available. Billy thinks it’s an opportunity for Chance. Devon doesn’t think it’s appropriate, but that’s Billy’s business. Abby comes in and Billy leaves as Devon says he hopes everything works out for the best. Once alone, Abby observes that the tension between him and Billy hasn’t let up. Devon thinks Billy wants Chance to be his fly on the wall, so nothing happens without him knowing about it. He’s not sure when Lily’s coming back, so he has to figure out how to work with Billy in the meantime. Abby knows this can be draining; she worked with Phyllis. Billy couldn’t possibly be that bad. Devon thinks they’re equally bad in their own ways. He’s happy Billy’s gone out of town. Things will run smoother.
Abby Devon Y&R

At Crimson Lights, Billy tells Chelsea he’s ready to go. He can see she’s anxious and assures her she’s doing everything she can right now. She’s just scared of what the therapist will say. Billy says she’ll get through it and he’ll be there every step of the way. Chelsea asks if he’s sure he wants to come. She guesses Devon was annoyed that he’s leaving. Billy tells her Devon wished them the best with Connor. Chelsea thinks that’s nice, but knows there’s more to it. Billy cops to the tension between them, but refuses to stay behind.
Billy Chelsea Y&R

Just then, Adam comes in. “I figured we would take my car. Is Billy here to see you off?” Billy says he’s driving Chelsea. Adam says it’s a private family matter. Chelsea argues that Connor doesn’t see Billy as an outsider. They need to focus on the meeting. Adam agrees, and Billy and Chelsea warn that they need to be on the same page. Adam informs Billy that he doesn’t need him to tell him how to parent his own son.
Adam Billy Chelsea Y&R

Billy steps aside with Adam and tells him he made a comment because he’s looking out for Connor, not telling him how to parent. Adam asks if this is how he plans to console Connor, by insulting his father. Chelsea interrupts and reminds Adam that Sharon told them to take this one step at a time and not jump to conclusions. They have to listen to the specialist. Connor doesn’t need to feel the tension between them. If they can’t control themselves, then maybe they should both stay home

Victoria and Cole arrive at Memorial and tell Claire the judge has granted her freedom. “You’re coming home with us.” Claire doesn’t know how to feel. “I’ve never been out there the way I am now.” She’s excited and scared. Cole thinks nerves are normal. Claire worries about Jordan. Victoria assures her they’ll be right there by her side. This is a journey to finding her real self and being whole. Claire marvels at thinking of it that way. Her whole life has been about getting justice for something that didn’t even happen. There are so many options. “I just want to get it right.”
Claire Victoria Cole Y&R

At Society, Mariah urges Kyle to give himself a break. He had an extremely rough year. “Have you thought about your part in any of that?” Kyle hasn’t. Mariah suggests he do that. Kyle says Summer broke his heart and his dad chose her over him… and Billy refused to vacate his co-CEO position. Mariah isn’t buying him as just a victim. He’s made choices every step of the way and needs to own them. Maybe it will give him a chance to see this as a new beginning. Kyle teases Mariah about tearing him down before sending him on a journey. Mariah just wants him to live without regrets. He concedes he needs to reflect so he doesn’t make the same mistakes again.
Kyle Mariah Y&R

At Chancellor-Winters, Abby rubs Devon’s back. She can’t leave now. Even though Billy is gone, she wants him to be happy. Devon is happy he gets to go home to her every day. Abby wants him to be happy all the time. She’ll help him release the stress and tension. They kiss.

At Memorial, Victoria warns Claire there are some legal conditions that have to be met before she can go. She talks about checking in with doctors and the legal system, and proving she has a secure place to go. Cole says he’s still living at the GCAC, but that’s not secure enough. Victoria says Victor wants them to stay at the Newman Ranch. Claire used to dream about living there. Victoria tells her she’ll be coming to the ranch as a Newman, and will be loved and cared for.
Claire Victoria Cole Y&R

At Newman, Victor and Michael discuss staging a photo of Claire walking into Victoria’s house to give the impression she lives there. Michael worries if one little item goes awry, the whole thing could blow up. Victor has gone over every detail as he always does. “I play chess. Always a few moves ahead.”

Kyle arrives home to find Traci has been looking after Harrison, since the nanny had to fly home for an extended visit. “He did mention to me that he misses Summer being in the house with him.” Kyle knows it’s confusing for him and adds to the losses he’s had in his short little life. Now his nanny, Linda, is gone. Traci reassures Kyle that he’s a wonderful father. Kyle just wants him to be happy and safe and know that he’s loved.

At the ranch, Claire gushes, “This place is amazing.” Cole felt the same way the first time he stepped foot on the property. Claire can’t believe this is really happening.

At Newman, Victor tells Michael not to worry. He’s thought through every possibility and has everything under control. Michael notes he’s set the trap, now all Jordan has to do it step into it. They go over baiting Jordan to contact Claire, and Claire giving her the message that Victor wants to make amends. She’ll thinks she’s in control, but will find out otherwise.

At the dive bar, Jordan muses, “Now, where is that hospital number?” She calls and pretends to be Nikki Newman and asks to be connected with her granddaughter, Claire Grace. Jordan learns she’s been released and marvels, “But it’s so soon. How is this possible?!”
Jordan Y&R

At the ranch, Victora welcomes Claire home and pulls her into an embrace.

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